Monday, October 26, 2015

Keeping Fertility Tips for women

Keeping Fertility for Women

Keeping Fertility Tips for women
Age is an important factor when it will discuss the pregnancy, especially for women, but there are some things you can do to keep your ferilitas. Below are 7 tips to keep fertility given by Professor William Ledger, a professor gynecologist at the University of Sheffield.infertilitas infertility

1. Age and Fertility

Age is very important in discussing fertility. In today's world many are postponing pregnancy, but actually fertility decreases with increasing age. Men and women are very fertile at the age of 20 years late. Especially in women, fertility decreases when the age increases, and decreases rapidly after the age of 35 years. The causes are many, but the most common cause is the quality of eggs released by the ovaries. Male fertility also declines with age supplement, especially in the age of 40 years but many men who can still have children over the age of 50 years.

2. Avoid STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can damage the fallopian tubes of a woman, which makes it difficult to become pregnant.

3. Avoid smoking

Women who smoked 20 cigarettes a day can experience the events of menopause 2 years earlier than in normal women. Men who smoke also have an increased risk of sperm damage.

4. Body weight and fertility

Overweight and underweight can cause infertility. Excess weight can cause disease PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) affecting keseburan.

5. Avoid alcohol

Men who consume alcohol 3-4 cups a day can damage their sperm. Women are also advised to avoid the consumption of alcohol while trying to become pregnant in order to avoid damage to the growing fetus.

6. Try to 'cool' your testes

Testes of a man should be 1 or 2 degrees cooler than the rest of the body. Therefore, avoid pants that are too tight and bath with hot water because it can raise the temperature of your testicles.

7. Avoid radiation and hazardous chemicals

Exposed to radiation and some chemicals such as glycol esters found in plants can damage kesburan.

And you have to remember, when you and your spouse already 1 year or more trying to have a child in a way that regular sexual intercourse without using protection but still difficult to have children, please expected soon conduct an inspection to your doctor.

Those are some tips for women this afternoon, hopefully there is a happy and quick to have offspring.

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